Art orientation weekend is an open studio weekend in the entire Pirkanmaa area. During the Taidesuunnistus weekend, the public has the opportunity to visit studios, workshops, galleries and other exhibition spaces and meet artists at work. The public can ask questions, discuss the art, buy works or just admire the local knowledge.
All venues can be found on our website and in the printed catalog. All venues and places on this list are numbered according to their hometown and location. In the catalaog venues are also marked on three different maps according to their location. The maps are: Tampere city center, Tampere and Pirkanmaa. You can see all venues also in Google map here.
In 2024, the venues will be open on April 20 and 21 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and admission is free during the event.
Taidesuunnistus is organized by the Taidesuunnistus Association, a non-profit association whose members are the Artists’ Association of Tampere, Design Association Modus, Photographic Center Nykyaika, Rajataide and Craft association Taito Pirkanmaa. The purpose of the Taidesuunnistus Association is to promote the commercial prerequisites of art, design and crafts in Pirkanmaa and to highlight local know-how.